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21 Oct: Report on the BP MyScience Essay Writing Competition

Report on the BP MyScience Essay Writing Competition

This competition was held on 17th June 2009 between 12.00 pm and 1.30 p.m at the school hall. A total of 52 students took part in this competition of which 31 of them were from the morning session and 21 from the afternoon session. The BP MyScience school team took about 3 months to finalize the winners.

There were not any outstanding ideas on how we should spend the prize money towards conserving the environment. 10 essays in total were shortlisted, 6 from the morning session and 4 from the afternoon. The BP MyScience team choose the best essays from those shortlisted.

The prize winning essay for the morning session goes to Nur Hanna bt. Safri from 5 Mesra and for the afternoon session, the prize goes to Mohamad Asyraf bin Mohd Nasir from 2 Amanah.

Report by,
Pn. Nallini Letchmanan
Our Main Challenge: Saving Mother Earth Through Garbage Enzyme