The day trip was held on the 8th of August 2009 which was on a Saturday. The Enderong Organic Sdn Bhd is located at Tanarimba Bukit Tinggi, Janda Baik in Pahang. It took us about 3 hours to reach there. There were a total of 30 people including students and teachers who went on that trip. Students who went on the trip are members of Kelab Pencinta Alam and the BP myscience's ECOs.
The cost of the trip was RM650 in total. The money for the trip was sponsered by Justlife (RM200), BP myscience seed money (RM 200) and from the schoolâ€s unit ko-ko (RM 250).
We were told that an organic farm must be 40 km away from the city centre because of dirty rain water and contaminated city pollution. That is why Enderong Organic farm is located on the highlands. Furthermore, plants at the farm can receive more sunlight when it is on the highlands.
Enderong Organic farm is 2 acres wide and it is used to educate farmers on organic farming. There are many types of fruits, herbs and vegetables planted there such as terung, cabbage, ladies finger, lada, sawi, bayam and more. Enderong Organic practice crop rotation which is one of the procedures to obtain high quality plants. Crop rotation is an agricultural practice in which different crops are cultivated in succession on the same area of land over a period of time. This practice ensures that soil fertility is maintained.
Other than that, Enderong Organic uses biological control instead of chemicals to get rid of pests. This ensures the healthy being of all the plants. Weeds are also pulled out so the plants can receive maximum nutrients which can be absorbed easily without any competition.
Another technique to produce healthy organic plants is by mixing the soil with proper nutrients which are provided by the â€home-made†fertilizers (compost). Compost gives out nutrients like phosphorus, fertilizer and oxygen. Compost is made of animal feaces (such as chicken, cows, etc), food waste and even dried leaves. The ingredients are then mixed together and are collected under a small hut which will then be left to decompose and allow reactions to take place. After it has reached a certain stage, it can be used to give nutrients to the plants.
We were told that organic vegetables and fruits are good for our health because it is free of pest poison exposure and it is very well taken care of. That is why organic food is much more expensive compared to normal food. Fruits and vegetables produced by Enderong Organic are distributed to Justlife which is avaible all over Malaysia.
Our trip to Enderong Organic farm is a fun, memorable and informative trip. We are very lucky to get a chance to go on this trip. We would like to thank Enderong Organic farm and teachers who planned the trip for us. We have learnt a lot from the trip and this educates us to improve our farming/gardening skills. We hope to come again with more students with us next time and in hope to create awareness on living green and healthy.
Reported by,
ECO Arina
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