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SS3/98, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

SGC: Herbal Garden

Activities carried out:

March - April:
1.Prepare garden for planting
2. Sent letter to FAMA requesting for plants

April - May
1. Plant herbal plants donated by students and teachers.
2.Laying of pavers
3. Preparing garbage enzyme and compost as organic fertilisers and insecticide
4. Weeding and putting fertilisers
5. Look for herbal plants: requesting donations from parents and buying from nursery.

Reported by:
Ms Liew KY

Vegetable Garden In School

This part of the garden is taken care by our school gardener. Students pick up tips on 'farming' from the our gardener, Wak Jumali.
He also helps to water the plants during weekends.

Vegetable Garden by Maths & Science Club

Despite regular watering and `care`, the transplanted `sawi` seedlings failed to grow and were dead in less than 10 days.


1. The weather is too hot and dry.

2. The soil is unsuitable for the `fragile` `sawi` seedlings.

3. The students accidentally stepped on them - unable to differentiate betweeen seedlings and weeds.4. The `gardeners` lack `green` fingers!

After postmortem and discussion, we decided on planting a more hardy vegetable - bitter gourd seedlings. This was done yesterday evening. Hope they will survive!

Note: The gourd seedlings planted along the fence earlier this month are thriving

Reported by:Pn Yong SNTeacher-in-charge

Water Reduction Campaign

Turn Off Campaign is aimed at reducing the use of water. Pn Chong SF, teacher-in-charge has reminded students during assemblies not to waste water when using the toilets and also washing their hands.

She also puts up posters and reminders in the toilets:

Kepada pelajar yang disayangi,
1. Bersama-sama kita menjaga alam sekitar dan memastikan tandas sentiasa bersih
2. Selalu menutup paip air selepas digunakan untuk mengelakkan pembaziran air
3. Kerjasama yang diberi pada hari ini dapat menjamin kesejahteraan generasi yang akan datang
Anda dapat lakukannya kerana anda pelajar yang TERBAIK!
Kami warga Sri Permata "BOLEH"
Terima kasih

Apart from that, she has also got the school workers to monitor if there is any leak in the system. All leaks will be fixed immediately.
Expertise was also sought on harvesting rain water. Discussion is still on going.

Recycling Campaign Report

We have been collecting plastic bottles and aluminium tin cans during recess. Students throw these items into bins placed in the canteen. Interact members take turns to be on duty during recess to make sure that students do not throw other items into these bins. The awareness is there among students. However, we want them to rinse the bottles and cans before they discard them so that they can be stored until such time we have enough to sell them off as recyclable materials.

Students have also been requested to bring old newspapers every Friday . The response has not been very good but we will continue to make this request.We have also started a competition among classes to collect 'aluminium rings' from the aluminium tin cans. All classes collect the rings from each student in the class and the total collection from the class is given to the Interact members are in charge.

Altogether there will be 3 collections : 30 April, 25 June and 31 July.

At the end of the 3 collections the 3 classes with the highest , second highest and third highest total collection will be announced and awarded prizes. The first collection was done on the 30 April. 8 out of 23 classes in the morning session handed in their collections.

The total no. of rings collected was 16,500 These classes were 3A, 3I, 4J, 4S, 5A, 5B, 5C and 5S. The 3 highest collections were from 4S which collected 5000 rings, 5A - 4690 rings and 3I-2279 rings .

 Hopefully, more classes will take part in the second collection.

Reported by:
Pn Shamala
Recycling Campaign

Electricity Smack Down: Talk by FOMCA

On 6th of May 2009, FOMCA, Federation of Malaysian Consumers Association, came to SMK Sri Permata to give a talk on the conservation of electricity. All monitors and heads of cleanliness of Forms Remove, 1 to 5 classes participated in this event. The talk was held from 10:30 am to 12:30noon.

At 10:05 am, students gathered in the hall, while the lecturers set up the electronic devices with the help of school teachers.
At 10:30 am, the lecture started. The lecturer started with introducing the students to the concept of energy.
We were told that, the ventilation fans in the hall are actually using about the same power as a 1 1/2 horse power air-conditioner.

He then talks about the usages and consumers of electricity, the economy, and the development that energy had created. He also tells the students how much they're wasting energy through everyday life, and that they can only changeby using less energy and more efficiently.

After that, he explains the route electricity takes from the power plant to consumers. He then shows the students energy auditing by auditing the energy used for a TV and a 1000W air-conditioner.
For an air-conditioner, these are the statistics if they use them for 5 hours a day: RM 397.85/year for one air-conditioner, RM 795.70/year for two, RM 1193.55/year for three, and RM 1591.40 for four.

He conducted a survey on the usage of water and energy. Our usage of electricity can be checked through their website, www.switch.org.my, by using the calculator provided. He did a quick calculation on that website to show us that energy efficient appliances save a lot of money when compared to non-energy efficient electrical appliances. A table showing the highest and lowest efficiency of different electronic appliances was given to us.

The use of air-conditioners: setting air-conditioner at 240Celsius and deactivate it when it rains, save a lot of energy from being wasted.

Students are divided into four groups to audit usage at several places around the school - the hall, the library, staff room and other areas. Students started walking around looking for electrical appliances to calculate the electric power.

The lecturer says that anything that rotates consumes energy and it should be well-maintained as it takes more energy to rotate if any of the parts were not properly maintained.

The fridge should be 2/3 full, whereas the freezer should be 3/4 full. We also need to plan what to take from the fridge as each time the door is opened 30% of the cold air will escape, resulting to more energy wasted.

He also told us about a proposal - a punishable tariff; the more you use, the more you pay. Students are now able to calculate the usage of electricity in their homes, which would help to conserve energy and money.

The principal, Mr. Ong Hock Thye, said this knowledge would help the students because they would make a world of change if the knowledge acquired is put to good use. He added that FOMCA's employees are experienced in the field of conservation and Sri Permata is fortunate to have its President Datuk N. Marimuthu in the school PTA committee.

He hopes that what had started in SMK Sri Permata will be practised by others outside the school, like the garbage enzyme campaign whcih has started since March. He is also confident that what the school is doing will bring a change to many. He thanked the students for taking part in the talk.Students were asked to give comments on the talk.

Generally, many benefited from the talk. They learnt how to calculate the electricity tariffs, learn to conserve and also able to look for energy saving appliances.

Reported by:ECO Ho JZ


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1st Carbon Challenge by BP@Sri Permata

Event date: 26 March 2009

It was raining heavily today, but our team managed to finish a CC session with 54 participants from Form 1 to Form 4. As always, the session started with an introduction to BP Companies in Malaysia and the programme that we are carrying out.
We divided them to 4 groups and asked them to present their ideas on climate change scenario and some proposed solutions. The groups gave wonderful presentations in only 3 minutes for each group.
It seems that the students have learnt and are aware on the effects of climate change such as extreme wheather, flood, landslide and forest fire.
The teacher had asked us to have another two of CC sessions for their students and other teachers. We really hope that the participants will apply what they have learnt in their daily life.

Green Sports Day

26th Sports Day
Event date: 17 April 2009

On the 17th of April, in conjunction with Sports Day, the team had a booth set up to exhibit articles on environmental saving and to promote awareness amongst parents, teachers and students. At 7 o' clock in the morning the team was ready with all the materials and decorations. All members of the team dressed up with recyclable items to attract attention to promote our awareness campaign. The parents that turned up at our booth were informed with environmental facts and collected donations to support our activities throughout the year. At 10.30 a.m., we cleared up the booth and kept all the laminated reading articles for further use.We then got ready to recite our green pledge during the prize giving ceremony. During the prize giving ceremony, the team led the "green pledge" in front of the students, teachers and parents. We hope that the community has received our message with open hearts and has started to go green. Reported by, Lim

'No Styrofoam' Campaign

On the 17th of April, in conjuntion with Sports Day,the librarians launched the 'no-styrofoam' campaign by selling drinks with paper cups instead of styrofoam cups. They did this so as to not use styrofoam which cannot be recycled whereas the paper cups could. They also prepared a bin for the cups to be thrown into as they could then collect it and send it for recycling.

School Garden Centre

The Herbal Garden

Event Date:15 April 2009

Our Herbal Garden 'manager' Ms Liew KY together with her students stayed in school to clear the area bit by bit. She believes in slow and steady can WIN the race! Bless her heart. Many students thought it was a good idea and supported her all the way. She started clearing during the 1 week School Holiday break in March and will continue doing so each available hour that she has.

The Vegetable Plot

04 April 2009: Students from the Math and Science Society and MNS (afternoon session) together with their advisors started to clear the plot of land. The boys and girls found it interesting yet tiring digging and pulling the long overgrown grass. Nevertheless, they managed to clear the land and it ready for planting.

Our Main Challenge: Saving Mother Earth Through Garbage Enzyme